Beck Jules
(1825 – 1904)
Photographer, mountaineer and chemist of Strasbourg. In 1875 his photographs were sold in Berne and Geneva and he had his negatives printed in the laboratories of professionals Vollenweit based in Berne and Strasbourg.
(1825 – 1904)
Photographer, mountaineer and chemist of Strasbourg. In 1875 his photographs were sold in Berne and Geneva and he had his negatives printed in the laboratories of professionals Vollenweit based in Berne and Strasbourg.
(1861 – 1934)
Elizabeth Burnaby co-founded the “Ladies Alpine Club”, and was its first chairwoman. One of the first and most famous female mountaineers, she wrote many very successful and popular books and produced a catalogue containing over 600 of her own photographs.
(1909 – 2009)
Riccardo Cassin was one of the greatest Italian mountaineers of worldwide fame. His name is associated particularly with his reconnaissance expedition to K2 in 1953, a trip which proved to be extremely important for the conquest of the summit, achieved for the first time the following year, although Cassin was obliged to remain in Italy.
(1880 – 1973)
Corti was a teacher of anatomy, a mountaineer and academic of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club), member of the Italian photogroup, honorary member of the C.A.I., for whose magazines and books he provided many pictures.
(1851 – 1917)
Hungarian mountaineer, writer and photographer, de Déchy wrote an important work in three volumes on the Caucasus. He was a member of the Alpine Club of London and of the CAI.
(1851 – 1921)
Oskar Eckenstein, Austrian mountaineer, who organised a reconnaissance expedition to K2 in1902. The members of the expedition were: Crowley, Jacot-Guillarmond, Wessely, Knowles.
(1860 – 1934)
Son of Giuseppe Venanzio, brother of Vittorio and Erminio, Gaudenzio accompanied them on numerous first winter ascents in the Alps. In 1892 he designed and was in charge of the construction of the Capanna Margherita (Margherita Hut) on the Punta Gnifetti of Monte Rosa. A graduate in engineering, in 1886 he founded the bank of the same name which he managed until his death.
(1880 – 1965)
Amateur photographer, painter and mountaineeer. At first he was employed at the Boglietti Knitwear factory; then he managed the cafè and cake shop “Colombino” (1931-1950), then “Caffè Dejro” in Oropa. He was a member of the Pietro Micca Gymnastics Society and of the Biella branch of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club).
(1842 – 1913)
Receiver of the Royal lottery he moved to Biella in 1870. He became the first secretary of the Biellese branch of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) in 1872, at the head of which the following year he published the “Guida per gite ed escursioni nel Biellese” (“Guide to walks and excursions in the Biellese”).